WANTED, Dragon Fly 5'10" x 18 3/4" 2 3/8" = 27.40 L - The Base Surf Store
ID 762443 Prancha Nova
Dragon Fly 5'10"

Premium Performance

Medidas da Prancha:
Tamanho   Largura   Espessura   Volume
5'10" x 18 3/4" x 2 3/8" = 27.40 L

Construção: PU Stringer

Laminação: PU - REGULAR (4oz X 4oz Deck + 4oz Bottom)

Sistema de Quilhas: FCS 2 3 fin setup

Tail: Squash


Introducing the 2nd instalment of WANTED Shapes premium performance model, the Dragon.

The Dragon Fly, as the name implies, is a redesign of the original Dragon more suitable to aerial surfing. While the original Dragon is meant for back-foot and neutral surfers, the new shape features a couple of performance enhancing adjustments as most airs require an intense work with the front-foot to gain speed and go above the lip.

The most significant change is the advanced widepoint, more suitable to a front-footer stance, resulting in more width in the nose and less in the tail. We’ve also reduced the rocker and changed the bottom from a single-to-double to a pronounced single concave all throughout. These features combine to boost the speed needed to fly high. The nose thickness/volume was also increased to give you more sustenance when landing on the flats.

A flatter deck induces flexibility to the entire surfboard giving it more rocker when pressed hard and allowing you to surf on rail with ease.

Briefly, the state of the art! © WANTED Shapes

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