The Base Surf Store


Board Review: Chilli's Mid Strength By The Surfboard Guide


Want a midlength that you can throw around like a shortboard but also get on and just cruise - check Craig Windon's review of the Mid Strength by Chilli Surfboards.

In his comprehensive review on the Mid Strength model Craig (The Surfboard Guide) covers everything from wave sizes (big and small), what size you should order, fin setups & templates and much more.

Here’s what Craig had to say about the Chilli Mid Strength:

"Chilli said the Mid Strength 'Paddles long and surfs short', and I’m not sure if they have a marketing genius working behind the scenes, but that slogan couldn’t be more correct"

"1-8ft, this thing is a beast. Surfs like a big shortboard but increases your wave count by around 325%"

"Waves big or small the Mid Strength felt at home and there really wasn’t much it couldn’t do"

Click play below for the full vid!




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