The Base Surf Store




2020 is here!

As we turn the page into a new year, it's time to have a recap on our 2019 best-sellers guide – a Top 10 display of last year's most sought-after surfboard models according to your preferences.

These are world-class designs made of premium materials that have brighten up the days of hundreds of surfers across Europe.

Discover them!


Smoothie #10

The Piranha, one of Rusty's most popular designs, was primarily built for small surf but it ended up being a very versatile board. Rusty has re-tooled this design with a clean, full round pin and called it the Smoothie. Learn more


Slayer 2 #9

The Slayer has been a favorite for 10+ years. From time to time Rusty has been asked if he could make it a little looser off the top and bottom. Thus, the Slayer 2. Learn more




Model 8 #8

For the Model 8 Rusty added more rocker coming from the Sista Brotha which translates into quicker and shorter arc turns. The deck is flatter, creating more natural flex and paddling power. Learn more




Cousin It #7

Closely related to the Boxsta and fused with the Voodoo's contours, this model has a flatter tail rocker than the Boxsta which drives through flatter sections and keeps speed on the open face. Learn more



Sugar #6

Need to sweeten your quiver? The Sugar twin fin is Chilli's latest candy, combining a retro look with a modern twist. Sugar's straight outline loves to draw long, fast lines and is not shy off the lip. Learn more


A2 #5

A board that has been slightly modified over the past year through the Project Black program. Tried, tested and loved by the team, James (Chilli) knew you were going to love it too. Learn more




Sloth #4

The Sloth is the ultimate Summer groveller! Featuring a slight single concave under the front foot into a heavy V out of the tail, a flatter deck roll with soft, boxy rails and a full, retro outline. Learn more



Blade #3

The Blade is a direct descendant of the famous 1984. In 2014 Rusty Preisendorfer hooked up with Mark "Occy" Occhilupo and did a 100 board reissue of his famous signature 84 model. Learn more




Rarest Bird #2

Still want to make the most of small conditions? This board has more width, more thickness, more paddle power, more speed when the waves are average, it's the NEW Rare Bird. Learn more


Rare Bird #1

The Rare Bird, Chilli Surfboards' best all-round design. If you liked the Toucan and Birdseye you are going to love the Rare Bird. This board has proven to be our best selling and most favoured Chilli Surfboard of ALL time! Learn more




Build Your Own Board

Design your own surfboard directly on our website. Select a model, choose your dimensions, your volume, your tail shape, add carbon, lock down your fin set-up... even add a tail pad, fins and leggie! And watch it all come together before your eyes!

Go to Custom Board Builder »


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