The Base Surf Store - Shapers
Jason Rodd
Queensland's Gold Coast is the surfing capital of Australia, if not the world. Amongst this hotbed of surfing and shaping talent, Jason Rodd has forged a reputation as a shaping industry leader in terms of design, innovation, performance, quality and service.

An established, respected and trusted brand, JR puts boards under the feet of some of the world's best competitive surfers, and now you have the chance to have a WSL-level board for an affordable price. Roddy, as he's known to his mates and customers, is equally at home crafting a board for one of the world's best surfers, as he is shaping something for the everyday surfer chasing the best level of performance, and the most possible fun, out of their new stick.

The JR brand is characterized by an impressive, progressive range of models, which are constantly being tweaked, refined and individualized to deliver the highest level of performance to JR's clientele. From classic Indo guns to lively summer grovelers, from high-performance shortboards to unique retro numbers, Jason's skillset and experience lends itself to the creation of your ultimate quiver, whatever your board, or wave, of choice.

Jason is a passionate, committed, creative and customer-focused shaper. His brand is trusted, professional and globally respected. Buy his boards. You won't regret it.


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