The Base Surf Store

EPS Stringer / epoxy with stringer

This is your standard EPS surfboard that you can order custom in our custom order page. Using a standard Expanded Polystyrene (EPS for short or think of the old esky's, a very opened cell foam) with a plywood stringer blank. After shaped, it is glassed using epoxy resin with two layers of four ounce fibreglass on the deck and one layer of four ounce fibreglass on the bottom.

Usually added with a patch of carbon fibre or four ounce fibreglass to wrap around the tail to prevent the rail/tail from crushing or denting severely (commonly known as 'tail cancer'). EPS is typically the lightest of the three foams used in surfboard construction resulting in a much lighter board, with increased buoyancy and floatation!

The advantage of better buoyancy is added paddling speed and increased maneuverability allowing you to ride a smaller board. EPS foam core is also known for its great durability. This makes your board marginally lighter than the standard PU surfboard. We recommend EPS technology with our small wave models for a very light and fun time in poor surf conditions.


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